Why this call for proposals ?

This call for proposals aims to support initiatives that promote to the widest possible public the knowledge developed in affiliated laboratories falling within the themes of the DIM MaTerRE, whether it is the fruit of the work of a team research or collaborations between teams, institutions, associations and/or companies.

Upon request, the DIM MaTerRE communications team will be able to provide support in putting together the proposal but also in carrying out and disseminating the initiatives submitted.


To be eligible, a project must be carried out by a permanent or non-permanent member of a laboratory in the Ile-de-France region. If the lead team/laboratory and/or partner is not yet affiliated with the DIM, the affiliation form must be attached to the project.

The enhancement mode is free. For example, projects to promote research in the form of photographs, drawings, film, animation, game, poster, educational experience, participation design or organization of a mediation event may be funded. The content produced must be in French or bilingual French.

All expenses enabling the successful completion of the project are therefore eligible, for example in the form of services, small equipment, internships, etc.  

As an indication, amounts ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand euros may be awarded. The amount allocated may be adapted depending on the scale of the initiative and its impact.

Selection criteria

Selection criteria:
• Original visualization of research data / presented content
• Contribution of the project to the training of young scientists, in particular through their involvement in its implementation.
• Technical and budgetary feasibility.
• Quality of the support developed
• Quality and scientific rigor of content
• Taking into account the target audience
• Policy and distribution channels envisaged

Co-financing is encouraged.

Projects highlighting scientific projects previously supported by the DIM MaTerRE will have priority.


Distribution policy
Content produced with the support of DIM MaTerRE funding must be able to be distributed via the website, social networks, YouTube account of DIM MaTerRE and the Ile-de-France Region as well as in scientific mediation festivals.

Rights concerning transfers of copyright related to writing and production, music, archive images, graphics, etc. must be regularized in order to allow the DIM, the Ile-de-France Region and the project partners to disseminate the materials within the framework defined by the project's dissemination policy.

Graphic charter
The project must integrate the visual charter of the Ile de France Region www.iledefrance.fr/logo-et-chartes-IDF and the graphic charter of the DIM MaTerRE, in particular by mentioning the support received and by displaying the logos of the DIM MaTerRE and of the Region on any product support.


For any question, you can contact dim-materre@espci.psl.eu

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